Cost of Living for Students in Zurich: Official Budget Guide

Zurich cityscape

Zurich is one of the most expensive cities in the world, so students need to budget carefully. Official estimates from local universities suggest needing around CHF 2,000–2,300 per month for basic living expenses Budget Guide - UZH ETH Zurich Budget. But these are conservative. If you're really trying to keep costs down and manage to secure a WOKO flat, you can live more cheaply than that. Below is a breakdown of student costs in Zurich, based on official university and government sources.

1. Monthly Rent & Utilities

Housing is the biggest expense. ETH and UZH estimate an average CHF 800–1,000 per month for rent, which can vary based on location and type of accommodation WOKO Student Housing.

  • Student dorms (WOKO): CHF400–900/month.
  • WG (flatshare): CHF 700–1,500/month.
  • Private studio: CHF 1,500–2,200/month.

Utilities (heating, electricity, internet) are usually included in student housing but cost CHF 50–100 extra if renting privately. If you're looking for affordable housing options, check out our Affordable Housing Guide.

2. Food, Transportation & Health Insurance

UZH recommends budgeting CHF 450/month for food, assuming a mix of home cooking and student cafeteria meals UZH Mensa Prices. I know people who spend 300 a month but that is a high effort lower limit.

  • Groceries (Aldi, Lidl): CHF 300–400/month.
  • ETH/UZH Mensa lunch: CHF 6–9 per meal.
  • Eating out (restaurants): CHF 30–60 per meal.

The standard student budget suggests CHF 95/month for transport. This includes a ZVV city pass, which gives unlimited tram/bus access Student Fares - SBB. Though with a room close to campus or if you mostly cycle you don't need this as it is cheaper to buy a ticket each time.

  • Student ZVV city pass: CHF 49–63/month.
  • Half-Fare travelcard (for trains outside Zurich): CHF 120/year.
  • Bike (Züri Velo student subscription): CHF 70/year.

Health insurance (mandatory): Students must have Swiss health insurance unless they are exempt. Budget CHF 100–250/month for insurance. Cheapest student plans cost around CHF 80/month via Swisscare or ScoreStudies Student Insurance - Swisscare.

3. Budgeting Tips & Part-Time Jobs

Living in Zurich on a tight budget requires strategy. We have a more comprehensive guide here: Affordable Student Livingbut here is a breif overview of how to save money as a student:

  • Shop at discount supermarkets (Lidl, Aldi) and use Caritas Markt for low-income discounts.
  • Take advantage of student discounts on transport, museums, and entertainment.
  • Cook at home and eat at the university Mensa instead of restaurants.
  • Use free campus facilities like ASVZ (ETH/UZH sports center) instead of paying for a gym.

Can you live in Zurich on CHF 1,000 a month? Highly unlikely. Official student budgets recommend at least CHF 2,000 per month, and the Swiss student visa process requires proof of financial means (~CHF 21,000/year). If you're short on funds, consider a part-time job.

4. Working Part-Time as a Student

The downside of an expensive city is that it is hard to live on a budget. The upside is you are well paid for even very simple jobs. Many students work part-time to supplement their budget. Here's what you need to know:

  • EU/EFTA students: Can work up to 15 hours/week during the semester, full-time during vacations.
  • Non-EU students: Cannot work in the first 6 months; after that, max 15 hours/week, employer must apply for a permit.
  • Typical wages: CHF 20–30/hour for university jobs (assistantships), CHF 15–25/hour for service jobs.

A 10-hour/week university job can bring in about CHF 1,000 per month, which covers a significant portion of living costs.

Final Thoughts

The cost of living in Zurich for students is high, but with smart budgeting, you can keep costs manageable. Plan on the safe side with at least CHF 2,000/month, take advantage of student discounts, and consider a part-time job if you need extra income. But do not be too afraid by what you read online. Thousands of students move here and manage.

For detailed tips on scholarships, check our Scholarships & Financial Aid Guide.

For detailed tips on affordable student housing, check our Affordable Student Living Guide.